A Quick Analysis of How Minitest Works

What is Minitest? Minitest is a Ruby testing library, it allows you to write tests for your code TDD style. It’s the default testing framework for Rails & DHH’s favorite. Some people prefer it for its simplicity & how little code it has compared to its main alternative (RSpec). As you can see in this … Read more

Battle of Interpreters: MRI vs JRuby vs Rubinius

In this post, you’ll learn about the different Ruby interpreters available. Every popular programming language has multiple interpreters or compilers (in the case of compiled languages like C), but what’s an interpreter? An interpreter is a program that reads your source code, converts it into a series of executable instructions & then runs them. In … Read more

What’s Happening in My Ruby Application?

If you’re wondering what’s going on with your Ruby application… There are no fancy GUI tools… But we have the ObjectSpace module! ObjectSpace gives you information about the current state of your application. Let’s discover how it works. Counting Objects Using ObjectSpace you can know what objects are currently ‘alive’ in your program. What does … Read more

Build Your Own Web Server With Ruby

Have you ever built your own web server with Ruby? We already have many servers, like: Puma Thin Unicorn But I think this is a great learning exercise if you want to know how a simple web server works. In this article, you will learn how to do this. Step-by-step! Step 1: Listening For Connections … Read more