How to Use The Ruby Super Keyword

What does the super keyword do in Ruby? It calls a method on the parent class with the same name as the method that calls super. For example: If you call a method named i_like_chocolate, and then you call super within that method, Ruby will try to find another method with that same name on … Read more

Rack Explained For Ruby Developers

What is happening behind the scenes of every Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby web frameworks? The answer is Rack, the key component that makes this possible. But what is Rack exactly? Rack is a layer between the framework (Rails) & the application server (Puma). It’s the glue that allows them to communicate. Why Do We … Read more

Solving the N-Queens Problem With Ruby

N-Queens is an interesting coding challenge where you have to place N queens on a N * N board. It looks like this: A queen can move in all directions: Vertical Horizontal Diagonal The solution (there can be many) must place all the queens on the board & every queen must be out of reach … Read more

Ruby Sets – Examples, Operators & Methods

What is a Ruby set? A set is a class that stores items like an array… But with some special attributes that make it 10x faster in specific situations! On top of that: All the items in a set are guaranteed to be unique. In this Ruby tutorial you’ll learn: How & when to use … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to HTTP Requests in Ruby

If you’d like to get information from a website, or if you’d like to submit forms, upload files, etc. You’ll need to send an HTTP request & then process the response. In this article you’ll learn how to: Let’s do this! How to Send an HTTP Request Ruby comes with a built-in http client, it’s … Read more