Read This If You Want to Understand Instance Variables in Ruby

If you want to learn about Ruby instance variables, how they work & why they’re useful.

You’re in the right place!

First question…

What’s an instance variable?

In the Ruby programming language, an instance variable is a type of variable which starts with an @ symbol.



An instance variable is used as part of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to give objects their own private space to store data.

We say that objects can:

  1. Do things
  2. Know things

Methods make things happen, they DO things.

Instance variables store data, they KNOW things.


If you have a Fruit class, you may want to know what kind of fruit it’s, what color, weight, etc.

All of these attributes become instance variables.

Like @color, @type, @weight.


Let’s see code examples.

How to Define & Use Ruby Instance Variables

You define instance variables inside classes.


Let’s say we have a CoffeeMachine class.

A coffee machine needs water, so you may want to know how much water is available.

We can do this:

class CoffeeMachine
  def initialize
    @water = 100

This @water is our instance variable.

We assign 100 to @water as the initial value.


If we have a make_coffee method, we can reduce the amount of water left in the tank.

class CoffeeMachine
  def initialize
    @water = 100

  def make_coffee
    @water -= 10

Notice that every CoffeeMachine object you create (with new) will have its own private value for @water.

Makes sense, right?

Because if you have 10 actual coffee machines, each is going to have their own water levels.

That’s why we use instance variables!

How to Access Instance Variables

Instance variables wouldn’t be very useful if you couldn’t read their current value.

You can read an instance variable value with the @ syntax.

Like this:

class CoffeeMachine
  def initialize
    @water = 50

  def print_water_level
    puts "Water Level: #{@water}"

machine =

# Water Level: 50

The print_water_level method uses @water to print its value.

Using Attribute Accessors

You may notice that you can’t access instance variables from outside the class.

That’s by design!

It’s what we call “Encapsulation”, an object’s data is protected from the outside world, like other Ruby objects.

Here’s what I mean:

machine =

# NoMethodError: undefined method `water' for #<CoffeeMachine:0x2d0a530>

# SyntaxError: unexpected tIVAR, expecting '('

In some cases, you may want to allow this.

You can open a window into the object’s data so it becomes available from outside.

One way to do that:

class CoffeeMachine
  def initialize
    @water = 100

  def water

machine =

# 100

Nothing special here.

We’re returning the value from inside, where we have access to it.

Another option is to use an attribute reader.


class CoffeeMachine
  attr_reader :water

  def initialize
    @water = 100

machine =

# 100

Same thing as before.

Only difference is that Ruby will do the hard work for you & create that water method.

Things You Should Know

A few things to remember about instance variables so you don’t get into trouble.

Take notes:

  • An undefined instance variable always returns nil
  • Instance variables don’t have to be created in the initialize method, but that’s how you give them an initial value
  • There are advanced ways to access instance variables, like instance_variable_get, but you should avoid these

Btw, you can get a list of instance variables.

Like this:

# [:@water]

You may find that helpful 🙂

One more thing:

In Rails, instance variables (like @books), are used to share data between your controller & views.

But you can still use them normally, for your own classes.


You have learned about Ruby instance variables! A kind of variable that starts with the @ symbol & it’s used inside classes to give them a place to store data.

Don’t forget to practice now, play with the code examples & come up with your own.

Thanks for reading.

2 thoughts on “Read This If You Want to Understand Instance Variables in Ruby”

  1. One of the advantages of attr_reader and attr_accessor is that in the event of a typo you get a no method error instead of the expression return nil.

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