The Definitive RSpec Tutorial With Examples

Would you like to learn how to write tests for your Ruby applications using RSpec?

Then you’re in the right place!

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to do that.


Why Should You Write Tests?

Here’s why:

It builds a safety net against errors (especially useful for refactoring)

If you don’t have a test suite then you don’t want to touch your code, because of the fear of something breaking…

…having tests increases your confidence!

It helps document your code

Your tests describe what your application should be doing.

It gives you a feedback loop

When you are doing TDD you get a feedback loop that tells you what to focus on next, useful if you get distracted easily.

It helps you make sure your code is producing the results you expect

This one is important!

If you are writing some complex logic, then you want to make sure it’s working with many different inputs & not just with one example you came up with.

Tests can help you uncover corner cases & document them.

It helps you land a Ruby job

Most job applications will appreciate your testing skills, increasing your chances of landing the job.

Getting Started With RSpec

To understand how RSpec works let’s go over an example step-by-step.

We are going to write a simple application that finds factorial numbers.

The first step:

require 'rspec/autorun'

describe Factorial do
  # ...

This is the initial code for writing your first RSpec test.

You need to require the rspec gem.

Then you need to create a describe block to group all your tests together & to tell RSpec which class you are testing.

Next is the it block:

describe Factorial do
  it "does something" do
    # ...

This is the test name, plus a way to group together all the components of the test itself.

The components are:

  • Setup
  • Exercise
  • Verify

The setup is where you create any objects that you need to create.

It’s the preparation phase.

Then you call the method you want to exercise to get its return value.

Finally, you verify the result with an expectation (RSpec) or assertion (Minitest).

RSpec Testing Example

Now if we want to write a factorial method, we have to find out some valid values online or by hand calculation.

Then we use those with our tests.

Like this:

describe Factorial do
  it "finds the factorial of 5" do
    calculator =

    expect(calculator.factorial_of(5)).to eq(120)

When you run this code (like a regular Ruby program) you’ll get this:

uninitialized constant Factorial (NameError)

This is normal because we don’t have a Factorial class yet.

Let’s create one:

class Factorial

Next error will be:

undefined method 'factorial_of'

I fix this by creating the factorial_of method:

class Factorial
  def factorial_of

Then run the code again:

wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)

Another error! But you know what?

That’s a good thing 🙂

Errors are not something to be frustrated with.

They are feedback.


Add one method argument to the factorial_of method:

class Factorial
  def factorial_of(n)

What you get now is a test failure:

expected: 120
     got: nil

This is exactly where you want to be at this point!

The next task is to implement the method:

class Factorial
  def factorial_of(n)

And you’ll get your first passing test:


Finished in 0.00315 seconds (files took 0.09083 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

This is what we call test-driven development (TDD).

You write the tests first, then let the tests guide you on what you need to do next.

RSpec Let Method

If you want to write many tests & reuse the same objects you can define these objects with let statements.

It looks like this:

describe Factorial do
  let(:calculator) { }

  it "finds the factorial of 5" do  
    expect(calculator.factorial_of(5)).to eq(120)

Now you can reuse calculator in all your tests under the same describe block.

One thing you should know about let is that it’s “lazy”.

What do I mean by that?

The object won’t be created until the first time you use it.

This can make a difference if creating this object has side-effects, like creating database entries, or writing to a file.

It would be best to avoid these side-effects, but if you can’t do that then use the let! method.


let!(:user) { User.create("") }

The let! method is non-lazy, so the object will be created before any tests are run.

How to Use The Subject Method

Another version of let is subject.

The only difference is that you can only have one subject, and it’s meant to be an instance of the main object you are testing.

RSpec already creates a default subject like this:

subject { }

This is called the “implicit subject”.

You can use it like this:

describe Factorial do
  it "finds the factorial of 5" do  
    expect(subject.factorial_of(5)).to eq(120)

You can give your subject a name:

subject(:calculator) { }

This behaves the same way as using let, but it enables the use of one-line expectations:

it { should be_empty }

How to Run Code Before All Your Tests

RSpec has execution hooks you can use to run something before & after every test, or a whole group of tests.

For example:

describe Shop do
  before(:all) { Shop.prepare_database }
  after (:all) { Shop.cleanup_database }

If you want to run this code for each example (example = test in RSpec) you can use :each instead of :all.

How To Create Testing Subgroups

If you’re testing different scenarios in your app then it may be helpful to group related tests together.

You can do this using a context block in RSpec.

Here’s an example:

describe Course do
  context "when user is logged in" do
    it "displays the course lessons" do

    it "displays the course description" do

  context "when user it NOT logged in" do
    it "redirects to login page" do

    it "it shows a message" do

How to Temporarily Disable a Test

It’s possible to disable a test for debugging purposes.

All you have to do is to change it to xit for the tests you want to disable.


xit "eats lots of bacon" do

Don’t forget to remove the x when you are done!

Running Examples By Name

Instead of disabling tests, you can filter the tests you want to run with the -e flag.


> ruby person.rb -e bacon

This filtering is based on the test name, so the above example will match any test with the word “bacon” on it.

RSpec Expectations & Matchers

You may remember this example we have been using:

expect(calculator.factorial_of(5)).to eq(120)

But what is this eq(120) part?

Well, 120 is the value we are expecting…

…and eq is what we call a matcher.

Matchers are how RSpec compares the output of your method with your expected value.

In the case of eq, RSpec uses the == operator (read more about Ruby operators).

But there are other matchers you can use.

For example, the be_something matcher:

expect(nil).to be_nil

Where something is a predicate method (like empty?) that is going to be called on the test results.

Other useful matchers:

  • include (for arrays & hashes)
  • start_with
  • end_with
  • match (for regular expression matching)
  • be_between
  • have_key / have_value (for hashes)
  • be_instance_of
  • respond_to
  • have_attributes (for testing instance variables)

A matcher that needs special attention is the raise_error matcher.

The reason for that is that to use it you have to wrap your expectation within a block.

Like this:

expect{ :x.count }.to raise_error(NoMethodError)

The change matcher also works like this:

expect{ stock.increment }.to change(stock, :value).by(100)

RSpec Formatters

The default RSpec output is in the “progress” format.

With this format you see dots (.) representing 1 passing test each, an F for a failed test (expected & actual don’t match), or an E for an error.

But there are alternative formatting options you can use.

Here’s a list:

  • progress
  • documentation
  • json
  • html

You can enable them with the -f flag:

> ruby factorial.rb -f d

  eats lots of healthy food
  writes many articles

Finished in 0.00154 seconds (files took 0.09898 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

The documentation format uses your test descriptions to generate the output.

How to Find Slow Tests

RSpec comes with a very handy option to profile your tests.

Just by passing the --profile flag you’ll be able to see how long each test takes to run & fix the really slow ones.

Here’s an example:

> ruby factorial.rb --profile

Factorial finds the factorial of 5
  0.00043 seconds

RSpec Video Tutorial

[responsive_video type=’youtube’ hide_related=’0′ hide_logo=’0′ hide_controls=’0′ hide_title=’1′ hide_fullscreen=’0′ autoplay=’0′][/responsive_video]


You have learned how to write tests using the RSpec testing framework.

Now it’s your turn to start writing your own test!

12 thoughts on “The Definitive RSpec Tutorial With Examples”

  1. Hey, congratz for the article!

    Just some typos:

    At the end of the article you’ve added these examples:

    ruby factorial.rb -f d and ruby factorial.rb --profile.

    I think you would type rspec factorial ... isn’t?

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